DE: Die Weihnachtszeit ist schön aber zu einem Teil auch purer Stress, besonders wenn man mit kochen dran ist...
Da tut es gut einfach mal die Koffer zu packen und ein paar Erlebnisse in einer anderen Stadt zu sammeln. Warum nicht direkt ein anderes Land? Da mein Cousin in Paris design visuelle studiert, und wir somit in seiner Studentenbude nächtigen konnten, stiegen meine Schwester und ich am ersten Weihnachtstag um 11:24 in den Thalys Express in Essen ein. Mit dem Zug fährt man mittlerweile "nur" noch 4:30 Stunden nach Paris. Da ich kein Hotel bezahlen musste und die Zugtickets das Weihnachtsgeschenk von Papa waren, blieb eben mehr übrig zum shoppen. *muhahaha*
EN: The christmastime is wonderful but sometimes pure stress, especially when it's your turn to cook the dinner...
Then it feels great to smash your stuff in a bag and catch up some impressions from a different city. Why not a different country? My cousin studies design visuelle in Paris, so we had the opportunity to sleep in his student digs. On the first christmas day at 11:24 am, my sister and I got on the Thalys Express in Essen. These days you "only" need 4:30 hours to get to Paris. Since I haven't to pay for a hotel room and the tickets were a christmaspresent from my dad, i had more money leftover shopping. *muhahaha*

My first impressions:
- it smells extremely like piss in the metro stations....
- the architecture is more than lovely
- the cliché that french people don't speak english is a lie, except one unfriendly cashier everyone's english was fine
- the center of Paris is actually really really small, we walked from the Galeries Lafayette to the Louvre , then to the Champs Élysées all by feet

For some reason most of the buyers consists of rich chinese people, even most of the employees were chinese. At least I got me a matte red lipstick and a present for a friend from the l'Occitane counter.

Aaaand try out Chipotle when you're in a city with a branch, it's sooo good. (my vegan burrito bowl for lunch)

richtig schöne bilder! x
ReplyDeleteUnglaublich schöner blogpost x
ReplyDeleteIch liebe Paris und das sind tolle Bilder! ♥